Feb 7, 2011

Caffe Nero

Living in a small town, there are only 2 coffee shops in our town centre. What? Only two?! Yes, only two. One is a Costa and the other is a Caffe Nero. The lack of Starbucks perplexes me a little.
Anyway, I have a preference towards Caffe Nero (Mainly because the squirty cream for the hot chocolate is free.) And thus, spend most of my time in there with a squirty creamed hot coco and a sketch book. Now I know why most writers think of their best stuff in a cafe... well actually I don't. But I do know I come up with better idea in one despite the dim light.

I don't always go for a hot chocolate though. A caramelatte is good. Tried a peppermint tea once but it wasn't very nice.

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Here it is! I had it when I got to town early as I was meeting my boyfriend at 12pm. I was about half an hour early since someone gave a lift as I going to walk. Anyway, I headed for Nero. Since I was going to go swimming, I wanted something light. Peppermint tea? Sounds good. Tasted not so good.

This was my view from my seat. Hello, Random couple who wandered into my photo.

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Feb 5, 2011

Happy Late Chinese New year!

Happy New year. Rather belated but it doesn't matter.
It appears that some people are confused as to why we have another new year. A Chinese one, even? That's because we traditionally follow a lunar calendar as well as the normal one. We don't really follow it anymore but the new year and other festivals stuck. We like to party. We are a party nation.

Some people spend their second new year visiting loved ones, welcoming guests. I was at my house, with a few mates, drinking beer and playing on the Wii. T'was a good New Year.

Feb 2, 2011


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This A6 sized motivational poster was created after nearly losing the will to live due to graphics. I can't seem to comprehend the amount of typefaces and the minute detail that differentiate each one. And the tasks are rather strict which is a massive contrast to the laid back Fine Art tasks. (Which I'll happily crawl back to.) It is required that we, "illustration course applicants for uni," turn up to graphics once a week. Unfortunately it's with a 2nd year class who has honed their graphic design skills like a Samurai with their sword. I am the rookie standing at the back with a bamboo stick.

Anyway, I thought a Cactuar was appropriate since it always looks like it's running towards freedom! Have thank my friend for this, she mentioned a Cactuar and it stuck.
Hooray for Final Fantasy. FREEEDOOOM!!!

Feb 1, 2011


My rant will be about Smarties and other sugarcoated chocolate.
As a sugar addict, I love sweets. Especially fizzy strawberries. I also have a soft spot for plain chocolate or dark chocolate. One could argue that dark chocolate is good for you as it contains less sugar and has antioxidants.
Smarties and Minstrels, however, are overkill. Plain, coloured sugar and chocolate? It's not even nice chocolate. So I condemn them,You bite into one and you hit the chocolate. Chocolate melts and you're left with this weird crunchy shell.

smarties Pictures, Images and Photos
Sugar-coated evil.....


Apparently I look like Hiyori Tamura from Lucky Star.
Was I destined to Cosplay her?

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And yes, this is a very badly taken picture of me eating a rice cake.