Hello my neglected blog!
Yesterday I went to Kingston for a portfolio interview at the university. Got lost at Euston station since the Northern line splits into 4 branches. Finally got to Waterloo and legged it onto the first available train (Accidentally whacking a few people in the leg with my portfolio on the way.) Luckily it goes to Surbiton.
Met my friend Lewis for lunch at Byron's where the burgers are amazing! Everything is cooked from fresh and they even rear their own beef! How awesome is that!? After lunch, hugged my friend goodbye and went back to work. I decided to head to the uni.
Wondered around Kingston and got lost again. (Not very good at directions, am I?) Finally found the main campus and had to ask the nice-lady-at-the-reception where the foosh the art campus was. She drew me a map and I got on my merry way. Eventually found the place with minutes to spare. Woo!
Was given a tour of the place and it was pretty good. Then came the interview part! Unlike any interviews before, this was a group interview. It was a first for me. They've already looked through our portfolios while we were given the tour. We sat around the table with fellow interviewees and were all asked random questions. "What superpower would you have?" We were all like "Eh?!" They asked me "What makes you angry?" I smiled "Euston underground station."
After the strange interview, we all gathered our stuff and began to leave, went outside and chatted about the interview and stuff. It was odd. In my experiences of interviews, we just take our interviews and leave without another word. It was really nice to chat about our experiences, college and art.
Eventually we moved on to a random pub and discussed thing further, showed each other our portfolios over a pint. I guess this was a bit of a rare opportunity for me to see someone else's work who wasn't a famous artist, yet have the same point of view. Speaking to these people, I realised that my view of the subject has increased. We all agreed we were all in the same boat but in our own separate bubbles. We all had similarities; education, love of art, interviews and UCAS. But most of all, We each always carry a sketchbook and stationary with us. I thought I was the only one! Looking through everyone else's was like peeking into their minds, these sketchbooks are our doodlings, our styles and our thoughts.
Before we left to go back to our respected parts of the country, we've concluded that illustration is an elusive art, we want to bring back penmanship not just concept, and we want to keep art alive.
To keep art alive..